HR Business
IO Psychology Services
We Optimize Human Capital
We will Improve the predictive power of your hiring process. We will develop a performance management system that continuously strengthens your company's individual and team skills. We will model your company's workplace into an optimal learning environment that enables successful transfer of training to the job. We will give your business strategy and talent an unparalleled competitive advantage.
Employee Recruitment and Selection
We will improve the hit rate of your employee selection procedures by increasing their predictive ability and reducing decision errors. We will improve the impressions left on applicants by your company. We will create a recruiting campaign with a marketing spirit. We will enhance the psychometric properties of your employee selection tools to improve hit rate on successful candidates.
Training and Development
Further your organization's goals and bottom line results with our training-effectiveness model.
We will enhance individual and team knowledge, attitudes, and performance through 3 phases:
We will improve trainability, job attitudes, training motivation, learning outcomes, work environment, and transfer of training. We will improve employee job performance and generate positive financial impact. We will apply learning enhancement principles. We will account for training outcomes, criteria, and financial impact.
We will enhance individual and team knowledge, attitudes, and performance through 3 phases:
- Needs assessment modeling
- Training environment design
- Evaluation phase
We will improve trainability, job attitudes, training motivation, learning outcomes, work environment, and transfer of training. We will improve employee job performance and generate positive financial impact. We will apply learning enhancement principles. We will account for training outcomes, criteria, and financial impact.
Workforce Planning
Attain and sustain a competitive advantage
through our business strategy and analysis techniques. Strategize innovation, quality, speed, or leadership. Utilize business analysis techniques and determine organization design.
We will:
We will:
- Develop action plans to cope with market, customer, and technological changes.
- Link performance measures for employees to financial performance indicators.
- Build talent inventories and predict workforce supply and demand, both internally and externally.
- Link specific jobs directly to quantifiable revenues, business objectives, and business operations.
- Deconstruct business strategy to understand its implications for talent.
We will design a performance management system that is continuous, improves both individual and team skill, is valid/reliable and reduces rater error, and is based on meaningful job-behaviors important to effective performance. We will develop your performance management program that is congruent with your business strategy, improve performance rating instruments, and continuously improve key job-related behaviors in your team.